April 26, 2024, Robert Foster, a partner in the firm’s Litigation Group, will be presenting Objection Tactics: The litigator’s roadmap to effective evidence challenges during a live video broadcast CLE seminar, The Litigator’s Guide to Evidentiary Objections: When to hold them and how to avoid mistakes.
The presentation will cover the four trial realities: What happened, what the Plaintiff says happened, what the Defendant says happened, and what the jury decides happened. The Rules of Evidence play a major role in determining what a jury decides happens. There will also be a focus on recognition of potential evidentiary issues during the discovery phase and identify strategies to anticipate and avoid evidentiary issues in motions and trial. The presentation will also cover the appropriate methods to raise, counter, and preserve objections to evidentiary issues at trial.
Key topics to be discussed:
- Most common evidentiary issues at trial
- Common mistakes during discovery that create evidentiary problems
- Resolving difficult authentication issues
- Proper use of motions in limine
- Making a proper objection
- Preserving evidentiary objections for appeal
For more information, click here.